Experience itself is Life

Is your life exciting?

Get inspired
Discover a world of unique experiences on your personalized feed.
Plan, Book, Manage
Discover a world of unique experiences on your personalized feed.
Share, Shine, Shaka!
Discover a world of unique experiences on your personalized feed.

Join the tribe

Shakadabra is a community focused on experiencing life. Meet providers from around the world offering a wide range of experiences. The journey is smooth – you can start by downloading the app now.
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home video feed

See what people are sharing

The home feed is a useful, engaging feature.

Fellow explorers create video reviews of experiences – those videos populate the feed.

The feed serves as inspiration and a trustworthy guide, helping you choose the best experiences on Shakadabra.
Search field

Explore the world with Shakadabra

You can search by date, price, and location to see experiences that fit your schedule, budget, and area.

Shakadabra's intelligent algorithms also suggest experiences based on your interests and previous activities.

The platform highlights experiences that are close to you, making it easy to discover nearby adventures.

Pick your interests

Shakadabra provides experiences that cater to everyone's interests. Choose your favorite categories and explore.

Book your experience

Discovering and booking experiences on Shakadabra is a seamless and intuitive process designed to cater to the needs of explorers.

The detailed pages for each experience provide comprehensive information, including the itinerary, what to bring, and the highlights of the activity. This ensures that you have all the necessary details to make an informed decision.

With just a few clicks, you can secure your spot in your chosen adventure, making the booking process straightforward and hassle-free.

Join Shakadabra

Start your journey: explore the video feed get inspired by other explorers and book the experience that inspire you the most. Then prepare yourself to live new experience and share with the community to get more popular!
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Pay, your way

Make payments easily and securely; the app is integrated with Stripe, one of the best payment processors, a tool that guarantees a secure process for both explorers and experience providers.
Apple Pay
Google Pay

Become popular, share your video reviews

Every experience you undertake on Shakadabra not only enriches your life but also earns you popularity.

The dynamic leaderboard showcases the most active explorers, highlighting those who have shared their journeys with the community through engaging videos.

Shakadabra encourages participation and fosters a vibrant community of explorers, all striving to reach the top ranks by continually discovering and sharing their adventures.

Start your journey,
book your experience

Seeking meaningful experiences?
No ideas for the weekend?
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